Explore Walberswick Brought to you by Blythweb Ltd (now part of MHCreations)

Walberswick Events for

October 2024
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The Blythweb Calendar publicises events open to the public which are taking place in the general area of the Blyth Valley in north-east Suffolk and occasionally also in the wider area. These events include those held in support of local and UK charities, organisations, good causes etc., which we are pleased to freely publicise. The Blythweb Calendar also features other events of interest.

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BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Halesworth Scarecrow Festival DTSTART:20241025T080000Z DTEND:20241024T230000Z DTSTAMP:20240929T115615Z UID:20241025T080000-HalesworthScarecrowFestival DESCRIPTION:Taking place 19th October - November 2nd on the theme of Disney or Pixar. Scarecrows will feature in the town centre's Thoroughfare and Market Place together with St.Mary's church. LOCATION:Halesworth - various venues ORGANIZER:Halesworth - various venues STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Halesworth Scarecrow Festival

on Friday, 25th October 2024
Venue: Halesworth - various venues link
Taking place 19th October - November 2nd on the theme of Disney or Pixar. Scarecrows will feature in the town centre's Thoroughfare and Market Place together with St.Mary's church.
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.halesworth.net

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Blythburgh Cafe and Mini Market DTSTART:20241025T093000Z DTEND:20241025T110000Z DTSTAMP:20240709T113759Z UID:20241025T103000-16635-BlythburghCafeandMiniMarket DESCRIPTION:A monthly event. Come and browse the stalls. LOCATION:Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh IP19 9LL ORGANIZER:Holy Trinity Church STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Blythburgh Cafe and Mini Market

– 12:00 on Friday, 25th October 2024
Venue: Holy Trinity Church, Blythburgh IP19 9LL link
A monthly event. Come and browse the stalls.
To know more about Blythburgh or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.blythburgh.net

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Mah Jong, at Southwold Library DTSTART:20241025T131500Z DTEND:20241025T151500Z DTSTAMP:20240828T163451Z UID:20241025T131500-MahJongatSouthwoldLibrary DESCRIPTION:Can you play mah-jong? Do you want to learn? Takes place usually on 2nd & 4th Friday of the month. Come along and join the group at Southwold Library. £1 per person. LOCATION:Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,South IP18 6LD ORGANIZER;CN=Southwold Library:MAILTO:southwoldlibrary@suffolklibraries.co.uk STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Mah Jong, at Southwold Library

– 16:15 on Friday, 25th October 2024
Organised by: Southwold Library
Venue: Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,Southwold IP18 6LD link
Can you play mah-jong? Do you want to learn? Takes place usually on 2nd & 4th Friday of the month. Come along and join the group at Southwold Library. £1 per person.
Ticket Details: £1 per person
Who to Contact: Southwold Library, by phone 01502 722519, by email : southwoldlibrary@suffolklibraries.co.uk
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Chess Club, at Southwold Library DTSTART;TZID=Europe/London:20241025T163000Z DTEND;TZID=Europe/London:20241025T235959Z DTSTAMP:20240925T111310Z UID:20241025T163000-16953-ChessClubatSouthwoldLibrary DESCRIPTION:Free play every Friday for kids aged 7+ years and adults. Beginners' teaching and assistance available some weeks. LOCATION:Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,South IP18 6LD ORGANIZER;CN=Southwold Library:MAILTO:southwoldlibrary@suffolklibraries.co.uk STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Chess Club, at Southwold Library

on Friday, 25th October 2024
Organised by: Southwold Library
Venue: Southwold Library, Hospital Hub, Field Stile Road,Southwold IP18 6LD link
Free play every Friday for kids aged 7+ years and adults. Beginners' teaching and assistance available some weeks.
Who to Contact: Southwold Library, by phone 01502 722519, by email : southwoldlibrary@suffolklibraries.co.uk
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Reydon Village Hall Golden Anniversary Appeal Fund - CEILIDH! DTSTART:20241025T180000Z DTEND:20241025T210000Z DTSTAMP:20240811T182920Z UID:20241025T180000-ReydonVillageHallGoldenAnniversaryAppealFund-CEILIDH DESCRIPTION:With the Once Bittern Ceilidh Band. Bring your own alcohol. Soft drinks and snacks available. £15 per person including bottomless soup, cheese and bread. All funds towards the RVH Golden Anniversary Appeal Fund to repair, renovate and refit the hall. LOCATION:Village Hall, Lowestoft Road, Reydon near Southwold IP18 6RF ORGANIZER;CN=Reydon Village Hall Golden Anniversary Appeal Fund:MAILTO:frogclock@hotmail.com STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Reydon Village Hall Golden Anniversary Appeal Fund - CEILIDH!

– 22:00 on Friday, 25th October 2024
Organised by: Reydon Village Hall Golden Anniversary Appeal Fund
Venue: Village Hall, Lowestoft Road, Reydon near Southwold IP18 6RF link
With the Once Bittern Ceilidh Band. Bring your own alcohol. Soft drinks and snacks available. £15 per person including bottomless soup, cheese and bread. All funds towards the RVH Golden Anniversary Appeal Fund to repair, renovate and refit the hall.
Ticket Details: £15 per person including bottomless soup, cheese and bread. Book your place with Charlotte at Southwold Library. Phone: 07715388916 Email: frogclock@hotmail.com
Who to Contact: Charlotte at Southwold Library. Phone: 07715388916 Email: frogclock@hotmail.com
To know more about Southwold or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.exploresouthwold.co.uk

BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//MHCreations Blythweb//NONSGML Event Calendar//EN CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY:Quiz Night DTSTART:20241025T180000Z DTEND:20241024T230000Z DTSTAMP:20241007T164436Z UID:20241025T180000-16983-QuizNight DESCRIPTION:Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start. Teams of 6 people maximum, £5 per person. Bar. Raffle. A fundraising event for Halesworth Festive Lights. LOCATION:Village Hall, Bungay Road, Holton, Halesworth IP19 ORGANIZER:Halesworth Festive Lights STATUS:CONFIRMED PRIORITY:0 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
Quiz Night

on Friday, 25th October 2024
Organised by: Halesworth Festive Lights
Venue: Village Hall, Bungay Road, Holton, Halesworth IP19 link
Doors open 7pm for 7:30pm start. Teams of 6 people maximum, £5 per person. Bar. Raffle. A fundraising event for Halesworth Festive Lights.
Ticket Details: £5 per person. Teams of max 6 people.
Who to Contact: Tickets from Halesworth Bookshop. 01986 873840
To know more about Halesworth or for accommodation in the area go to https://www.halesworth.net